About us

This is our site dedicated to motorcycle travel.  Connected to the outside world, with no doors and no windows.  Living out an adventure side by side and wanting to see the same countries, same places and all kinds of people, by the same means.

Admittedly ‘Antarctica to the Arctic Circle’ is a loose plan, which will invariably change when we are on the road; who knows it may end up being a round-the-world trip.  The motivation is to film, photograph and write about our experiences as they unfold with the intention of producing a set of credible short films that will capture the essence of what we’re doing, and why.  The trip will feature the unmissable places but will know doubt feature some hidden gems.

Our interview with Adventure Rider Radio



jason-2Born and raised in Nottingham, England, I’ve had an unquenchable thirst for travel for as long as I can remember. Having explored above and below the waterline extensively for over two decades, I became a scuba diving instructor, which for me led to teaching across the watery globe, running diving trips in the Red Sea with Lisa and leaving my watermark as an Underwater Photographer.

Having hung up my fins professionally, I’ve diversified somewhat: sold the house, cashed in and swopped the life conventional for the ride of a lifetime.  Currently riding a dual sports bike ‘bottom up’ through the Americas has definitely got me to where I want to be: big open spaces and engaged in the great outdoors.  I’ve broadened my passion behind the lens as an Adventure travel Photographer, have become a videographer and drone pilot, which enables me to shoot stills and short films capturing some unique aerial photography while living and freelancing on the road. 

Home base: Wherever we kick the side stands down, somewhere in the Americas

Weapon of choice: BMW F800GS.

Motto for life: “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” (Susan Sontag) 

Loves: Wildlife, gnarly dirt roads, cold weather, hummus, ‘Tiny house living’ and Bill Bailey’s standup comedy.

Loathes: Smoked salmon and status-driven folk.


Born and bred in Great Britain, I’ve travelled a few continents over the last 15 years, in between getting a BA degree and becoming an instructor to run liveaboard trips and scuba dive the globe alongside Jase. Having learned to ride a motorcycle by accident, I won a competition, which was somewhat more than the runner-up prize at a motorcyle event. After a morning’s wobbling on a 50cc automatic, I got bitten by the two-wheeled bug having already been infected by the dangerous travel virus and well, never looked back. 

Currently riding the Americas the long way up, we’re travelling from Antarctica to the Arctic Circle as much as the Earth’s surface permits on Pearl. I’m not sure whether I ride to write or write to ride, it’s probably both as I adore sharing our tales on the trails as a travel writer.

Home base: Somewhere in the Americas.

My fair lady: Pearla BMW F650GS.

Motto for life: Live the life you love, take risks & have fun along the way because you’ll never get out of this life alive. 

Nicknames: Captain Slow.

Loves: Travelling, riding Pearl, Jason, a good book, glaciers, forests, Argentinean red wine and my mum’s cooking.

Loathes: Fizzy drinks, pork scratchings and mosquitoes.

27 thoughts on “About us

  1. Your web site is in my” favourites”, waiting for your first entry.
    I know your entries will be as interesting as your past diving experiences around the world.

    All I say is have a safe journey where ever it takes you
    Love Trishxx


  2. Hi Lisa and Jason,Thank you for allowing me to enjoy following you around on your trip.Cant wait for the first instalment.Look forward to meeting up with you both somewhere on your travels.Have an amazing time stay safe.LOVE YOU BOTH Mum XX


  3. Well our adventure begins, and the best of it i can do it from my armchair no dust,rain wind and best of all the heat, Have a great time
    My book starts love to you both Jim see you in three weeks (skipe) ?


  4. Just picked up your story in adventure mag,,,,,,,,all the best with the trip,life can only get better for you both 😃😃😃😃regards,,,,steve


  5. Just saw your story and found your blog through Motorcycle Explorer Magazine. What an amazing story you have and I’m now hooked on your blog. Are you guys on ADVRIDER forum?
    I guess from what I just read you are still in South America, when you make it to the USA make sure to visit me on the east coast. I did a trip to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska in 2012 and might return again next year. My dream trip is Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego. Might be able to do it in 4 years.
    I will send you my e-mail contact info through Facebook but you probably will have it here since I’m leaving a comment.
    I like your writing style. Keep safe
    My blog is here: http://www.riding-the-usa.com/


  6. Hola chicos desde BA! Jason, hope you received yer brand spankin gloves and you guys are back on the road. Looking forward to reading the blog some and receiving the new updates. Keep her between the ditches!
    Pete & Jess (Salta)


    • Cheers you guys. Was a pleasure to meet you both, great company you made sadly only for an afternoon’s worth. Loved that stonking little hostel Salta Por Siempre! Right back at you, long may your travels last for many moons from now. Love L&J x


  7. Hi there, I’ve just been researching container ship travel as it’s a dream of mine to reach Asia this way…and I can across your video on YouTube. Absolutely inspirational! I will be following your blog, enjoy the rest of your fantastic trip.
    Tom, Sheffield


    • Many thanks Tom in Sheffield – hope you have a smooth crossing, remember to pack your gadgets such as the laptop with movies and kindle, books etc!


  8. Living the life that thousands dream of but dont have the courage to take on…….ride save with the thoughts of hundreds of bikers behind you,,,,,,,,,,,steve


  9. Hello Jason and Lisa , it looks like your having a cracking time and your in no rush to come back. I’m loving your stunning photos.

    Speak soon

    Simon ( your old neighbour)


  10. I just discovered you both on Adventure Bike TV. I will try and catch up on your adventures, as it inspires me to follow my own. I’m an American ( please don’t hold that against me), and while I have been riding motorcycles for years I am only beginning to consider Adventure bikes. I am a short rider at 162.5 cm and challenged by the seat heights of most Adventure bikes. So I am curious as to what size BMW Lisa rides, and if you had to make any modifications to the suspension. Would love to hear back from you. And thanks for your time.


    • Hi Aaron,

      Great to hear that you are thinking of moving into the world of adventure motorcycling. I’m 5’8″ and I have the F800gs with a lowered seat but I also have an Airhawk seat on top for comfort which pushes the height over the standard height seat which is pretty tall, that means I’m on the balls of my feet, which is ok for me. Lisa has the lowered front and back suspension F650gs which she is flat footed on, this she prefers as the bike is very heavy and the height is more manageable for her. You need a bike with good ground clearance if you are thinking of doing the rough stuff but not so high that you will find it unmanageable. Hope that helps.



  11. Awesome, I love it, I too have had a tiny little taste of adventure like you guys, having rode across the USA as part of a year out travelling around the world for 12 months, (2007) however, unlike you guys I soon fell back into the trap of traditional life as we have been indoctrinated to believe is 9-5 Mon/Fri and try and have fun on 2 wheels at the weekend…. Been a fellow Nottingham lad you would have thought I’d have known better :( obviously not!!

    Anyway now you have created this site I can live my pipe dream through you guy’s….

    I run a number of Social Network (High Traffic) sites of which I shall be showcasing your journey

    Ride Safe – Keep Safe

    James Slater

    4 wheels move the body – 2 wheels move the soul :)


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